Sunday, October 18, 2015

Orange & Chilli Salad

My dad is a meat and three vegetable person and he finds this dish a little difficult to comprehend when it's on the table.  "Oranges are sweet and should be served as a dessert, not as a salad" he reckons, but he's slowly starting to get his head around it.  My cousin Michael has also been a bit of a meat and 3 vege type person, but when I visited Melbourne last, I made this dish and he loved it!!

This is a pretty simple and quick dish to serve.  It's healthy AND is great with a BBQ.  Of course you don't need to slice the oranges, you can segmet them and toss in a bowl if that's your preference, but I find it takes longer to prepare.  I just want it done so we can enjoy a great meal together.  

If you're not a fan of chilli, then reduce the amount used but try not to omit them completely as it's truly the star of the dish.

3-4 oranges - peeled, deseeded, pith removed and sliced (try to keep the juice)
1 fresh red chilli - deseeded and thinly sliced OR a dash of chilli flakes
A handful of chives
Dash of olive oil
Sea salt
Cracked pepper 

Get out a nice flat platter and lay the oranges in a single layer.  Pour the juice from the oranges.

Sprinkle the chilli over the top of the oranges and sprinkle a dash of olive oil over the top.

Season with salt and pepper and then finish by slicing the chives all over the oranges using scissors.


Happy living peeps!!!


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